How to run JUnit test with Maven


This tutorial will cover how to run Unit tests using the Maven’s Surefire plugin. If you are not familiar with Unit Testing, you can follow this tutorial for a quick catch-up. In our Maven Project, we need the following mandatory dependencies: <dependencies>     <dependency>         <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>         <artifactId>junit-jupiter-api</artifactId>         <version>5.4.2</version>         <scope>test</scope>     </dependency>     <dependency>        <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>         <artifactId>junit-jupiter-engine</artifactId>         <version>5.4.2</version>         <scope>test</scope>     </dependency> </dependencies>…

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Java Parallel Streams Example


Stream API allows developers to  take advatange of multi core architectures and improve the performance of Java program by  creating parallel streams and making your program perform operations faster. There are two ways of creating a parallel stream: by using the parallelStream() method by using the parallel() method When you are using parallel streams, effectively…

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ThreadLocal Java Example


ThreadLocal is a class that provides thread local variable and is used to achieve thread safety. The data stored will be accessible only by a specific thread. ThreadLocal extends Object class and provides thread restriction which is a “part” from local variable. Creating a ThreadLocal variable ThreadLocal threadLocalExample = new ThreadLocal(); The instantiation of the…

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Java hashCode() Method Example


The super class in Java java.lang.Object provides two important methods for comparing objects: equals() and hashcode(). These methods are widely used when faced against implementing an interaction between classes. In this tutorial, we are only going to look at hashCode(). Method Definition and Implementation hashCode(): By default, this method returns a random integer that is unique every time. If you execute…

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Java ArrayList Example


Java ArrayList class is a resizable array that implements the List interface. It permits all elements, including null and also implements all optional list operations. Most operations that can be run on ArrayList such as size, isEmpty, get, set, iterator and listIterator are all constant time. However, the add operation’s complexity is O(n) time. Compared to LinkedList, the…

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Java LinkedHashSet Example


LinkedHashSet class in Java differs from HashSet as its implementation maintains a doubly-linked list across all elements. This linked list defines the iteration ordering which is the order in which the elements were inserted into the set. It is called an insertion-order. If an element is re-inserted into the set, the insertion order is not affected by…

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Java ConcurrentHashSet Example


Java 8 finally allows us, the programmers, to create thread-safe ConcurrentHashSet in Java. Before then, it was simply not possible. There were variations that tried to improvise the implementation of the above-mentioned class, one of which would be, using ConcurrentHashMap with a dummy value. However, as you might have guessed, all of the improvisations of…

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Java LinkedHashMap Example


LinkedHashMap is a combination of hash table and linked list that implement the Map interface with predictable iteration order. The difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap is that LinkedHashMap maintains a doubly-linked list which allows scanning through all of its entries back and forth. The order is maintained, meaning the order in which keys were inserted…

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Java EnumMap Example


EnumMap class implements the Map class and enables the use of enum type keys. Enum maps are maintained in the natural order of their keys. It is important to note that null keys are not permitted. If attempt has been made for adding a null key, NullPointerException will be thrown. However, even though null keys are not allowed, null values are. Since all…

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Java IdentityHashMap Example


IdentityHashMap implements the Map interface and two keys are considered equal when checked as k1==k2 (not by using equals method). This itself violates the Map‘s general contract, which means that IdentityHashMap is clearly not a general-purpose Map implementation. There are only so many cases where this class would be useful. IdentityHashMap permits both null values and the null key, alongside all optional map…

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Java ConcurrentMap Example


Even though Map is implemented by many classes, many of them are not thread-safe or some of them are but not efficient. This is why ConcurrentMap was introduced in Java 1.5. It is thread-safe and efficient. Overridden default implementations: compute replaceAll forEach getOrDefault computerIfAbsent computerIfPresent ConcurrentMap consists of an array of nodes that are represented as table…

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Depth-First-Search Example Java


Searching and/or traversing are equally important when it comes to accessing data from a given data structure in Java. Graphs and Trees are an example of data structures which can be searched and/or traversed using different methods. Depth-first-search, DFS in short, starts with an unvisited node and starts selecting an adjacent node until there is…

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Breadth-First-Search Example Java


Searching or traversing is really important when it comes to accessing data from a given data structure. There are different methods of traversing/searching elements within these data structures such as Graphs and Trees. Breadth-first search is one example of these methods. BFS is an algorithm that traverses tree or graph and it starts from the…

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Different Algorithm Time Complexities


Before starting to explain the different time complexities, let’s first look at what an actual algorithm is. The formal definition of an algorithm is “a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.”. So in other words, an algorithm is a defined path which is…

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Introduction to Docker and Docker containers in Java


In short, Docker is a tool that allows you to build, deploy and run applications easily by the usage of so-called containers. These containers let us package all the essentials such as libraries and dependencies. In addition, the containers run on the host operation system. There are many benefits that come when we use Docker. It…

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PathVariable annotation in Spring


Just like @RequestParam, @PathVariable annotation is used to extract data from HTTP request . However, they differ slightly. The difference is that @RequestParam gets parameters from the URL while @PathVariable simply extracts them from the URI. Example Let’s imagine you had a website that supported the following URL: 1 in the URL above represents…

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RequestBody annotation in Spring


The @RequestBody annotation can be used for handling web requests. More specifically, it is used to bind a method parameter with the body of a request and the way it works is HttpMessageConverter converts the request’s body based on the type of the content of the request. Syntax <modifier> <return-type> <method-name> (@RequestBody <type> <name>) { }…

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Interceptors in Spring


In Spring, Interceptors, as the name suggests, intercept we requests through implementing HandlerInterceptor interface. It provides us with methods that allow us to intercept incoming requests that is getting processed by the controller class or the response that has been processed by the controller class. The methods that the interface provides us with are: preHandle() – returns true…

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Dependency Injection in Spring Example


In this tutorial you are going to learn what Dependency Injection in Spring is, how it works and how you can use it. What is Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection is one of the fundamentals of Spring which you must know. When you create a complex application, chances are you are going to have different objects…

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How to perform unit testing for Controllers and Services


As you may be well aware, testing is very important. In this tutorial therefore, you will learn how to do just that! Testing. And more specifically, you will learn how to perform that testing on Controllers and Services. Controllers Normal controller does 1 of 2 things: renders a view or handles form submission Let’s look at…

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Installing and configuring MySQL database and server for Spring usage


In the end of this tutorial, you will have installed the right MySQL products needed to develop applications in Spring. You will need two essential things: MySQL Database and MySQL Server. Follow the steps below. Configuring the MySQL Database Visit and then select Community downloads, like so: On the next page, you will see…

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How to handle Login authentication in Spring


In this article, you are going to learn how to use Spring Security to achieve a login authentication functionality. The login page represents a form which asks for details such as username and password. That same login page can be done in Angular and the authentication process itself will be performed by Spring Security. There…

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Introduction to Spring Security and how to Set it up


In this tutorial you are going to learn how to secure your web application using the Spring Security including user authentication, authorization and more. Spring Security – Introduction Spring Security is a customizable authentication framework. It is the standard when it comes to securing Spring-based applications. It provides both authentication and authorization. Authorization is also…

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How to create RESTful web services with Spring


When we are dealing with RESTful web services, we need to be using @RestController annotation which basically represents the @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations. When we use @RequestMapping for our methods, we can add an attribute which is called produces which specifies that the output sent to the user will be in JSON format. Example public class…

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What is OAuth2-based authentication and authorization in Spring


OAuth2 allows third-party applications to receive a limited access to an HTTP service which is either on behalf of a resource owner or by allowing a third-party application obtain access on its own behalf. Thanks to OAuth2, service providers and consumer applications can interact with each other in a secury way. Workflow There are a…

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Introduction to MVC Framework in Spring


MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and Spring supports it. The great thing about the MVC pattern is that it separates different aspects of the application like inputs, business logic and user interface.  This pattern is so widely used that it even has a song about it. The three components in the MVC pattern are Model, View, Controller,…

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Autowired Annotation in Spring


@Autowired annotation is a relatively new style of implementing a Dependency Injection. It allows you to inject other beans into another desired bean. Similar to the @Required annotation, the @Autowired annotation can be used to “autowire” bean on setter methods as well as constructors and properties.. @Autowired Annotation on Setter Methods Please note that when…

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Core concepts and Advice Types in AOP in Spring


If you are familiar with Spring, you’ve probably heard of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). That’s one of the main components of the Spring framework. However, no previous experience in AOP is needed. It is focused for complete beginners who want to understand how AOP framework in Spring works. In Object Oriented Programming, modularity of an…

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How to use the MySQL connector in Java


Before testing the MySQL connection from a Java program, we’ll need to add the MySQL JDBC library to the classpath.  We will need to download the mysql-connector-java-*.jar file from the downloads page: Now, depending upon your work environment (e.g. Eclipse or Command line) you will have to do either one: If working with Eclipse IDE,…

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