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The main reason is that this app generator is designed to provide the java developers the option of blending or combining their skills of java and javascript development on the same apps. This open source application comes along with a huge range of technologies including AngularJS, Spring Java, and YSC/Yeoman Scaffolding tool.
Basically, the Yeoman generator is used to build or develop different types of business applications and games which are increasingly used by developers and technicians to design and develop different types of games. The goal of JHipster is to generate a complete and modern web application by unifying a high-performance and robust Java stack on the server-side with Spring Boot for a sleek, modern and mobile first front end design with AngularJS and Bootstrap.
How JHipster make Java and Javascript Easier?
JHipster is one of the popular open source development platforms across the globe to generate, develop and deploy SpringBoot along with Angular applications. It also supports React and Vue by creating microservice architectures with Netflix OSS and Docker. JHipster makes use of Java and Javascript by allowing easy configuration from everything you add or use the latest underlying frameworks.
Install Java 11 or Java 12
Before worrying about installing the JHipster, try to install Java 11 by giving away the following command away:
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
After installing it, you can find all the versions of Java 11 that are available by making use of sdk list java. You can install the OpenJDK version by entering the following ways.
sdk install java 11.0.2-open
If you wish, you can rather use Amazon’s Corretto, and simply 11.0.2-amzn to the name. But if you want to become a hipster as soon as possible then you can even use Java 12!
sdk install java 12.0.0-open
Install JHipster 6
The latest version is released on May 3, 2019. You can install it by entering the below-given command line.
npm install -g generator-jhipster@6.0.0
Configure Spring Boot and Angular App running on Java 11+
The most simple way to begin with JHipster is by creating a new directory, cd into it and then run JHipster. This will display a number of questions to be answered about the application which you would like to create. Questions range from the name of your application to the authentication type you would use from SQL to NoSQL.
JHipster also comes with a domain language called JHipster Domain Language (JDL) that can be helped to define your application. Open up your terminal window and navigate to the same directory as this file can run the below-given command for generating a Spring Boot API with the help of an Angular UI.
jhipster import-jdl app.jh
You can also make use of Apache Keycloack which is an open source identity that accesses all the management solution. JHipster helps to access the applications on desktops along with various types of mobile services. It also supports Heroku Cloud Deployment and is capable of building J-7 and J-8 mobile applications.
Also, it helps the Java developers to use their app by connecting with a SQL database and MongoDB NoSQL database. It also helps in seamless planning of Red Hat OpenShift cloud support when it comes in handy by enabling WebSockets and Atmosphere Framework.
JHipster facilitates asynchronous application development along with J as it is expected that it will put more emphasis on compatibility and stability among different options which are provided by Jhipster. Another vital factor of Jhipster is its stability which is quickly adopted by the developers and also becomes very handy when designing any latest games which are more rich and dynamic than the ones designed in the past.
In the end, this particular framework impacts more sense of fun in functional programming that is considered to be more interesting than object-oriented programming. It is said that functional programming solves real-life problems of the developers which cannot be done by the object-oriented programming. To this, JHipster only adds up a little spice to the functional programs to help them carry out an array of things.
The Road Ahead
Besides using functional programming, Jhipster also helps java programmers to carry out the programming with a singular code line. The most amazing aspect which needs to be mentioned in this context is that Java is actually a verbose language for programming which does not provide any support for functional programming.
Hence, if you want to write even the most elementary and simplest operations then the programmers need to make use of boilerplate coding. This is the type where JHipster helps Java programmers by making their life much easier. We hope this article has helped you to get the basic of JHipster and how you can use it for effective app development. You can also try to look at GitHub for the code repositories in case you wish to do it yourself. Keep Learning!
Author Bio
Stephanie Donahole is working as a Business Analyst at Tatvasoft Australia, a web development company in Melbourne, Australia. Her aim is to sharpen her analytical skills, deepening her data understanding and broaden her business knowledge in these years of her career. She loves to write about technology innovation and emergence. Follow Her on Twitter.