This blog post described 3 specific reasons why you should upgrade to Liferay DXP
Upgrading of a technology system involves several and sometimes massive efforts and optimum utilization of available resources. Hence, when it comes to upgrading the solution, it is quite obvious to have analytical approach. If you are using Liferay 6.2 or earlier version, you have got several sensible reasons to upgrade to Liferay DXP.
Liferay DXP is an accomplished technology that can transform your existing Liferay enterprise portal into an ultra-modern digital experience platform and enables you to deliver extensive user experience across your business ecosystem. Below are few of its significant characteristics.
1. Rich functionalities for intensified customer experience
Seamless Content Creation and Publishing:
- Efficient content authoring features enabled through AlloyEditior
- Visual content creation tools created using React.JS
- Multi-stage content reviewing
- Easy publishing of contents and geolocation tagging for web content
- Liferay customization handled using its DXP version, can precisely respond to each your specific need in
Seamless Content Creation and Publishing provides you an ease of creating strategic contents in line with your digital strategy and those contents will be accessible through all digital touch points. Enhanced
Audience Targeting
When the internet is a noisy place over flooded with data, Lifaray customization handled using Liferay DXP enables you to share right information and tailored messages to right customers.
- User and Visitor Segmentation based on relevant metadata
- Report generation for all segments and campaigns
- User Filtrations
Audience Targeting will enable you to deliver your contents to target audience in an uncomplicated manner. You can also generate insights about user behavior analytics and make relevant changes to your strategies
Effective Collaboration
One of the most significant aspects of upgrading existing Liferay Integration set up is flawless collaboration among employees, partners and customers. Role based permissions, excessive flexibility to utilize social computing advantages and over all a well-balanced community experience
When it comes to Liferay Consulting, globally well respected consulting firms believes that in this digital era, continuous collaboration and user engagement through different though points using innovative methodologies is the new key to business thriving.
2. Dynamic capabilities of Forms and simplicity of Asset integration
Proficiency of all new Form is going to be one of the most attractive parts of your upgraded Liferay portal. With the ability of ranging to several pages, the Form can have complex multicolumn layout and can be published simply by drag and drop function
The enterprise ready Form enables the Liferay Development process as well as the application to be excessively dynamic
Assets Integration:
Liferay DXP’s Asset repository has greatly minimized the requirement to buy third party tools and maximized the possibilities of diversified user experience.
- Built-in Digital Assets and Social Contents along with flexibility of third party tool integration
- Service Oriented Architecture with Single Sign Support
- Liferay Mobile SDK for friendly experience
3. High resilience for extension with manifold developer tools
Liferay DXP proffers innumerable out-of-the-box resources that help you in widening up its capabilities even further.
Development of desired modules and their deployment to Liferay instance using command line tool Blade CLI
Savvy development environment Liferay Workspace which is already compatible with enormous development environments enabling development of versatile Liferay Application Development
Analytical and fact based approach plays critical role in making fruitful decision about upgrading of existing technology solution. The well thought DXP version of this mature technology is capable enough of executing desired digital transformation goals with quicker ROI. All in all, this is a step ahead technology platform for a step ahead enterprise.