Java volatile Example
In this tutorial, we will discuss the Java volatile Example. What is Java volatile? The Java volatile keyword is utilized…
In this tutorial, we will discuss the Java volatile Example. What is Java volatile? The Java volatile keyword is utilized…
This guide shows you how to install Spring Tool Suite in Eclipse (more…)
This tutorial will show you how to build a simple web app using Spring Framework and STS (Spring Tool Suite).…
In this article I will explain the key concepts behind Spring Framework and how to use it further to build…
In this tutorial I will show you how to set JAVA_HOME as environment variable in Windows 10 operating system. (more…)
This tutorial explains the basics of JavaBeans, its components and how JavaBeans are helpful. (more…)
Apache Tomcat is the most common and popular java-based web container available today. In this tutorial I will show you…
In this tutorial I will show you how to deploy and undeploy Java EE web applications in Apache Tomcat using…
In this tutorial I will show you how to set up and run Apache Tomcat 8 from Eclipse IDE (more…)
In short, Docker is a tool that allows you to build, deploy and run applications easily by the usage of so-called…
In this tutorial I will show you how to create Servlets and deploy them in Apache Tomcat 8 (more…)
This example demonstrates how to use Servlet's doPost() method to handle POST requests (more…)
In this tutorial I will show you how to retrieve various data from a Servlet Request object, like headers, parameters,…
This example demonstrates the usage of annotations in order to configure Servlets. (more…)
This example demonstrates the usage of init parameters to configure Java web applications (more…)
This example demonstrates how to upload files with Java Servlet (more…)
This example demonstrates how to create a simple JSP page (more…)
In this tutorial I will show you how to enable secure admin of Glassfish or Payara, so you can access…
This article explains how to setup and configure MySQL database with Glassfish Application Server (more…)
In this tutorial I will explain how to build Java REST web-service to upload files from any client over HTTP.…
In this tutorial I will show you how to make a simple chat application running on Glassfish 4. I will…
In this tutorial I will show you how to use the build-in Glassfish authentication mechanisms to create web based applications with…
Controllers' main purposes in Spring are intercepting incoming http requests, sends data to Model for processing and finally gets processed…
Just like @RequestParam, @PathVariable annotation is used to extract data from HTTP request . However, they differ slightly. The difference…
The @RequestBody annotation can be used for handling web requests. More specifically, it is used to bind a method parameter…
The RequestParam annotation is used when we want to read web request parameters in our controller class. In other words, the front…
In Spring, Interceptors, as the name suggests, intercept we requests through implementing HandlerInterceptor interface. It provides us with methods that allow us to…
A famous example of explaining the Inversion of Control (IOC) concept is the Holywood principle which states "Dont' call us,…
In a nutshell, the IoC container is responsible for instantiating/creating and configuring an object and assembling the dependencies between objects.…
The dispatcher servlet is the most important component in the Spring Web MVC. Why is the dispatcher servlet the most…
In this tutorial you are going to learn what Dependency Injection in Spring is, how it works and how you…
This tutorial describes different ways to implement Spring MVC Controllers and gives examples. (more…)
In this tutorial, you are going to learn what Spring ORM is and how to use it. What is Spring…
Before I jump into implementing the classes, let's first understand what DAO is. If you already know what DAO is,…
In this tutorial you are going to learn how to create unit tests for DAOs. As a prerequisite, you fundamental…
As you may be well aware, testing is very important. In this tutorial therefore, you will learn how to do…
This article describes how to build our own Single Page Application using Angular and Java EE (more…)
In the end of this tutorial, you will have installed the right MySQL products needed to develop applications in Spring.…
In this article, you are going to learn how to use Spring Security to achieve a login authentication functionality. The…
In this tutorial you are going to learn how to secure your web application using the Spring Security including user…
When we are dealing with RESTful web services, we need to be using @RestController annotation which basically represents the @Controller…
In this tutorial you will learn how to protect your application against CSRF. What is CSRF? If you already know…
OAuth2 allows third-party applications to receive a limited access to an HTTP service which is either on behalf of a…
In this tutorial you are going to learn what Spring Boot is and how you can start using it. Prerequisites…
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and Spring supports it. The great thing about the MVC pattern is that it separates different…
In this tutorial you are going to learn what the JDBC module is and hopefully you will be able to…
In this tutorial, you are going to learn what is Docker and how we can use it to Dockerize a Spring application.…
@Autowired annotation is a relatively new style of implementing a Dependency Injection. It allows you to inject other beans into…
If you are familiar with Spring, you've probably heard of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). That's one of the main components…
In this tutorial you are going to learn what Sping Bean is and how to use it. What is Spring…
This tutorial explains and guides you how to install and configure Android Studio in Windows. (more…)
This tutorial explains how to connect your Android device to Android Studio with step by step instructions. (more…)
This tutorial will teach you some basics of Android, so you can make your first Android app easily. (more…)
This tutorial explains how to create a simple Android app in Android Studio. (more…)
In the previous tutorial you learned how to create a simple Android app. This tutorial will explain how to run…
This tutorial explains how to configure virtual device and run your application on Android virtual device. (more…)
This tutorial explains what is activity in Android, its life cycle and example. (more…)
This tutorial explains Android intent, its types and methods with examples. (more…)
This tutorial explains services in Android, its life cycle and gives example of how to create a service. (more…)
In previous tutorials you have learned about Android intent, services and activities. This and coming few tutorials explain about different…
This tutorial explains relative layout in Android with example. (more…)
In previous tutorials we have learnt linear and relative layout in Android, this tutorial explains web view layout with example.…
You have learned many other layouts of Android, this tutorial explains list view in android with example. (more…)
Android grid view is one of most used layout in many applications. This tutorial explains grid view layout with examples.…
In the previous tutorial we learned about List View layout with a simple example. This tutorial explains list adapter which…
This article is an introduction to SQLite database classes and methods. It is a pre-sequal to the complete Android SQLite…
Previous tutorial gives an introduction to SQLite Database in Android. This tutorial explains all CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functions with…
This tutorial explains what animation is and how to use animations in your Android application with the help of an…
Notifications in Android applications are very useful. This tutorial explains how to set notification in your application with the help…
In the previous tutorials you have learned about activities, intents and other. This tutorial explains event handling in Android with…
In this tutorial you will learn about how to send programmatically emails in Android and how to attach files, images…
In the Java world, there are a lot of integrated development environment or IDE which is considered as a crucial…
In this tutorial I will explain how to use Amazon's S3 storage with the Java API provided by Amazon. The…
In this tutorial I will show you how to configure a single Apache 2 web server to run multiple websites…
This blog covers detailed information about creation of Fragment in Liferay DXP and how to execute required overriding. (more…)
In this tutorial you will learn the very basic Git commands, allowing you run Git in just a few minutes. (more…)
This example demonstrates how to capture network packages with pcap and Java. (more…)
This tutorial will explain how to run the Selenium WebDriver with Java (more…)
Splitting your work in different workspaces is a good practice if you maintain a large number of projects. E.g. you…
Eclipse does not support SVN repository browsing by default. Fortunately there are several plugins which makes this possible. (more…)
On this page I will show you how to set-up and run a Node.js webserver to host a static web…
Before testing the MySQL connection from a Java program, we'll need to add the MySQL JDBC library to the classpath. …
This article explains SQL INNER JOIN syntax and gives an example on how to use INNER JOIN (more…)
This article explains SQL LEFT JOIN syntax and gives an example on how to use LEFT JOIN (more…)
This article explains SQL RIGHT JOIN syntax and gives an example on how to use RIGHT JOIN (more…)
This article explains SQL OUTER JOIN syntax and gives an example on how to use OUTER JOIN (more…)
Good news for all Raspberry Pi fans - Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is now officially on sale (more…)
This tutorial will show you how to install Raspbian OS to an SD Card (more…)
This tutorial explains how to prepare your Raspberry Pi for the first start, connecting peripherals and boot Raspbian for the…
In this tutorial I will show you how to connect remotely to your Raspberry Pi from your PC or Mac.…
Previously, we’ve covered how to access the Raspberry Pi through SSH. (more…)
In this tutorial I will show you how to flash a LED light with Raspberry Pi and Java. This will be a…
In this tutorial I will show you how to control the voltage using PWM in order to dim a LED.…
In this tutorial I will show you how to control the speed of a DC motor with your Raspberry Pi.…
In this tutorial I will show you how to control the direction and speed of DC motors with Raspberry Pi and…
At first, it was Java, and there was Java Community Process, the procedure in accordance to which all revisions take…
Be prepared for your next job interview with the ultimate "Job Interview Survivor Guide" (more…)
Java is a very popular language pertaining to its amazing features. It dates 20 years back but still qualifies as…
Microservices are not a completely new concept. In the past, there have been many attempts, such as EJBs, Remote procedure calls (RPC), and implementations of…
Some Stack Overflow recommendations on Java secure coding must not be trusted 100%. The future of Java security development is…